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Free Watch Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink (2013) Online Streaming

Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink Download Full Movie Online Streaming

Storyline Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink

In 1863, after seeing their mother and father massacred by a rough group of outlaws, two 10-year old identical twin brothers, Vance and Tom Dillinger, are separated when Tom is kidnapped by the outlaws. The two meet again in 1893 after 30-years. Vance Dillinger is now a U.S. Marshal, while Tom “Lucky” Dillinger is a wanted bandit with a bounty on his head. A robbery gone wrong allows the identity of Lucky to be exposed, sending Vance and his posse on the trail to capture Lucky and his gang. A chance discovery unveils information that the killer of the Dillinger parents is still alive, leading Lucky on a ruthless quest for revenge, as Vance struggles between feelings of retribution and upholding the honor of legal justice.

Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink

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